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70th Anniversary Malanka - 2019 

Відкриття Маланки 2019 в Хорватському Громадським Центрі - Фремантль, Зах. Австралії

Opening of Malanka 2019 in the North Fremantle Croatian Community Centre - Fremantle, Western Australia

2018 marked the 70th anniversary of the first wave of ukrainian post WW2 immigration.

70yrs ago our parents or in some cases grandparents arrived in PERTH WA and started rebuilding their lives,from a war torn europe and a war torn ukraine. We celebrated that anniversary in this room 6 months ago.  

I know from a historical document that one of the first things they did was organise a choir and a dancing group and put on a concert so I am certain that they loved to enjoy themselves and make the Australian government and Australian community proud of them.

I am certain that those of them who are no longer with us are proud of us for keeping Ukrainian tradition alive as we commence this the 70th anniversary MALANKA.  

So please put your hands together and give ourselves a warm round of applause and be proud that today we represent someone who may have been at the first WA MALANKA in 1949 .. 70yrs ago today. 

For UAWA the MALANKA is an important event – it is an event that we can repay you our members with a grandiose function

Українська Громада - Перт Західна Австралія вітає Вас з Старим Новим Роком!

Ukrainian Community - Perth, Western Australia welcomes everyone with the Old-New Year

Photographs courtesy of Bohdan Warchomij

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