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Перша чверть пройшла неймовірно швидко, можна сказати пролетіла. Закінчення чверті ми відзначили у Whiteman Park, де ми зібралися на пікнік. Було весело і приємно у хорошому колі друзів танцювати польку "зайчиків", співати разом давно відому і разом з тим свіженько вивчену пісню " ой на горі жито..." ,грати крикет, і звичайно долучитися до традиційної Австралійської охоти за шоколадними яйцями.

Ми приємно провели час і в хорошому настрої повернулися до дому.

Дякуємо всім за смачну і таку різноманітну їжу. Дякуємо за смаколики від Отця Василя.

Дякую всім хто прийшов на пікнік, батькам і дітям за ваш інтузіазм і підтримку .

На все добре, до зустрічі.


The first quarter passed incredibly quickly, one might say flew by. We celebrated the end of the first quarter at Whiteman Park, where we gathered for a picnic. It was fun and pleasant in a good circle of friends to dance the "bunny" polka, to sing together the well-known and at the same time freshly learned song "oh on the mountain of rye...", to play cricket, and of course to join the traditional Australian hunt for chocolate eggs.

We had a good time and returned home in a good mood.

Thank you all for the delicious and varied food. Thank you for the goodies from Father Vasyl.

Thank you to everyone who came to the picnic, parents and children for your enthusiasm and support.

During the term we had three new teachers Nadia Kotova (pre-primary),Maria Ulashkevych (Grade 1) and Tetiana Golota (beginner Ukrainian for English speaking kids), also thanks to Gabby Mowczan who works as the School Administrator.

During this term I was contacted by Elvira Prusak from Australian School board, about the project "Books without Borders" . The books were distributed to children at the picnic, some are designated to the library, CYM and other DP's who have children under age of 9 . 

Good luck, see you next term.

Natalia Kuchytska 

Книжки без кордонів»: важливий гуманітарний проєкт Олени Зеленської

До вашої уваги проєкт «Книжки без кордонів»: під патронатом Олени Зеленської реалізує Український інститут книги спільно з Міністерством культури та інформаційної політики України і Міністерством закордонних справ України.
Мета проєкту — забезпечення українських дітей, що вимушено покинули домівки, рідними книгами, аби
вони легше пережили переїзд та більш комфортно почувались у чужому мовному середовищі. Доступ до
книжок є однією з ключових потреб українських дітей- переселенців для подолання наслідків психологічної травми та для успішної інтеграції в нове для себе оточення, а для травмованих дітей найпотужнішим провісником здатності подолати травму та вижити у складних обставинах є можливість читати рідною мовою. Читання дає змогу досягнути успіху в школі й подолати вплив жахливих
подій в їхньому житті. 
Проєкт працює так: українські видавництва надають готові макети своїх яскравих і чудово оформлених книжок, а посольства України ведуть переговори та шукають партнерів серед зарубіжних друкарень, які ці книжки випускатимуть.
В рамках проєкту "Книжки без кордонів" вже в 11 країнах Європейського Союзу друкують та розповсюджують серед дітей українських вимушених переселенців книжки рідною мовою. Незабаром до ініціативи приєднається низка інших держав.
Видані таким чином книжки розповсюджують сере
д маленьких громадян України через соціальні центри, центри підтримки, школи, бібліотеки та посольства.

Зазначила перша леді –
«Ми ще не можемо повернути тимчасових переселенців на батьківщину, у рідний
дім – поки що це небезпечно. Але ми можемо зробити так, щоб батьківщина
прийшла до них у вигляді культури та рідного слова»,  – зазначила Олена Зеленська,
перша леді України.

Books without borders": an important humanitarian project of Olena Zelenska

For your attention, the project "Books without borders": under the patronage of Olena Zelenska, the Ukrainian Institute of Books is implemented together with the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.
The goal of the project is to provide Ukrainian children who have been forced to leave their homes with native books in order to
they survived the
move more easily and felt more comfortable in a foreign language environment. Access to
books are one of the key needs of Ukrainian immigrant children to overcome the consequences of psychological trauma and to successfully integrate into a new environment, and for traumatized children, the most powerful predictor of the ability to overcome trauma and survive in difficult circumstances is the a
bility to read in their native language. Reading helps you succeed in school and overcome negative influences events in their lives.
The project works like this: Ukrainian publishing houses provide ready-made layouts of their bright and beautifully designed books, and Ukrainian embassies negotiate and look for partners among foreign printers who will produce these books.
As part of the project "Books without borders" already in 11 countries of the European Union, books in their native language are printed and distributed among the children of Ukrainian forced migrants. A number of other countries will soon join the initiative.
Books published in this way are distributed among young citizens of Ukraine through social centers, support centers, schools, libraries and embassies.

The first lady noted –
"We still cannot return temporary migrants to their homeland, to their native land home - for now it is dangerous. But we can make the homeland came to them in the form of culture and native language," said Olena Zelenska, the first lady of Ukraine

Natalia Kulchytska

School Principal




MARCH 19, 2023

Amazing afternoon at Hackett Drive Reserve, so blessed to see so many new arrivals and community who we haven't seen for ages. About 200 people attended. Thank you for a great day. The bouncy Castle was a treat, also the face painting by Simone Litwin and the books she had donated from various Camboon, Nollamara and Kaponara Primary Schools, the gifts from Kirby Jukes (grandchild of Duncraig Lions ex-president), Snezhana Stacey's children Mark and Nikita and other all made a memorable and unforgettable day.


The Office of Multicultural Interests especially Dir. James Jegasothy ,

Wildlife and Parks. (The Department of Biodervsity, Conservation and Attractions) 

Acclaimed Catering for catering; the grazing boxes were really appreciated .

and especially everyone who attended

God bless you all for making this such a wonderful and blessed day. 

Thank you to Bohdan Warchomij for allowing use of his photos,

also thanks to Pat Pidhirnyj for his photos!!

There is a wonderful song by Nazariy Yaremchuk called FAMILY.. the chorus (with my translation) goes like this

Family, o' family - from father to son

From mother to daughter passing on.

Family, o' family is all of Ukrayina

With deep roots, growing, towering together!


Дивовижний день у заповіднику Хакетт-Драйв, щасливі бачити стільки нових прибулих і спільноти, яких ми не бачили багато років. Присутнилх було около 200 чоловік. Дякуємо всім за вашу присутність і за чудовий день. Надувний замок, розпис обличчя дітям Симони Літвін, подаровані книги та подарунки від внуків екс-президента Duncraig Lions, Сніжана Стейсі та багатьох інших. Acclaimed Catering для організації харчування. Ланч Бокси були просто приголомшливими і були дуже оцінені.

Офіс мультикультурних інтересів, особливо Директорові Джеймс Джегасоті, а також відділь природи та парки (Wildlife and Parks) .. І кожен, хто був присутній, нехай Бог благословить вас усіх за цей чудовий благословенний і незабтний день.

. Є чудова пісня Назарія Яремчука РОДИНА..

Родина, родина – від батька й до сина

Від матері доні добро передам.

Родина, родина – це вся Україна

З глибоким корінням, з високим гіллям.


2023 Commemorative Concert Taras Shevchenko

March 5, 2023

The Ukrainian Association of WA warmly thanks everyone who made this concert an unforgettable event, with over 120 people.

Special thanks to the concert organisers Pani Simona, and Roma Popadynec .

Our presenters, Nataliya Kulchytska and Oksana Panko Olevych (Taras Shevchenko Ukrainian Language and Culture School) who narrated Taras Shevchenko's biography in both Ukrainian and English, Peter Wityk (CYM) A/V technician, Volodymyr Liashchenko and Echoes of Ukraine Choir. Thank you to everyone who recited poetry, sang and displayed their art (too many to mention) and participated in the concert.

A special thanks to the crew who cleaned up the hall after the event, also Bohdan Warchomij for photographing the event. A special thank you to Roma Popadynec for preparing refreshments to conclude a memorable afternoon ..




MARCH 2023

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The UAWA would like to thank Vinnies for the help and assistance for Ukrainian Displaced Persons 

The program is currently closed and we are currently negotiating for another assistance package and will inform everyone as soon as its available 

Vinnies Ukrainian Displaced Persons Assistance Request Form


Vinnies WA and the Ukrainian Association of WA have partnered to provide material assistance and Emergency relief for Ukrainian displaced people living in WA. 


Vinnies WA will assess each request based on individual needs and family composition. The outcome of the assistance available will be provided via email within 2 working days. Please check your junk mail folder if you have not received an email by then or call 1300 794 054 to enquire.

If for any reason, assistance is not available, applicants will also be informed via email.


Important! Vinnies will be closed between 12pm on the 23 December until 9 am on 3 January and assistance will not be available during this time.


Assistance Request From

Please click on the below link to complete the form to request assistance.

Vinnies WA requires this information to meet mandatory reporting requirements for the Department of Social Service. However, please note, all information shared with our funders is de-identified and your data is stored in a secure database, which is not shared with any other party outside of Vinnies WA. To read Vinnies WA full Privacy policy, please go to




Форма запиту на допомогу українським переселенцям від Vinnies

Vinnies Західної Австралії та Українська Асоціація Західної Австралії об’єдналися, щоб надати матеріальну та невідкладну допомогу українським переміщеним особам, які проживають у Західні Австралії.


Vinnies Західної Австралії оцінить кожен запит на основі особистих потреб і складу сім’ї. Результат щодо можливої допомоги буде надіслано електронною поштою протягом 2 робочих днів. Будь ласка, перевірте папку зі спамом, якщо за цей час ви не отримали електронного листа, або зателефонуйте за номером 1300 794 054.


Якщо з будь-якої причини допомогу не вдається надати, заявники будуть поінформовані електронною поштою.


Важливо! Vinnies буде закрито з 12:00 23 грудня до 9:00 3 січня, і в цей час допомога не надаватиметься.


Запит на допомогу

Щоб отримати допомогу, заповніть наведену нижче форму.

Vinnies Західної Австралії вимагає цю інформацію для виконання обов’язкових вимог щодо звітності для Департаменту соціального обслуговування.

Однак зауважте, що вся інформація, яка надається нашим спонсорам, є анонімною, а ваші дані зберігаються в безпечній базі даних, яка не надається жодній стороні за межами Vinnies Західної Австралії. Щоб прочитати повну версію політики конфіденційності Vinnies Західної Австралії, будь ласка, перейдіть на сторінку



With October comes Ukrainian winter and many displaced and homeless families who are in desperate need of warm clothes.  Continued fighting and with the enemy has necessitated an urgent need for medications.

Terrence Dewar (Biome Medical) with his network has sourced Automatic External Defibrillators (AED's).  UAWA  purchased a Corpuls 1 AED unit. In all there is over $80,000 in medical products to be shipped. 

Mykola Mowczan, UAWA president has been collecting warm clothing through venues such as Wilowbrook Lifestyle Village (whose ladies  have most generously donated time knitting a plethora of scarves, hats and childrens wear.  Terrence Dewar, via his connections has been collecting quality winter clothing from Denmark, in the south west of WA, and the Mosman Park-Peppermint Grove community.  Marta Osoba Buttrose for collecting from the Ukrainian cohort in Perth.  So far over 25 boxes of quality clothing have been packed and waiting for shipment along with 15 boxes of medical equipment. 

A very special thank you to - 

Felicity Ruse for organising the collections

Petra Thompson - Denmark Community Resource Centre for collecting

Denmark Haulage - for transporting the supplies up to Perth

Mosman Park-Peppermint Grove and  Denmark communities for donations

Gerry Fitzmaurice - Shire of Kwinana for collecting

Tim Skarott, retired paramedic for donating medical equipment

Device Technologies AU for supplying the Corpuls 1 AED.


to everyone who has assisted in Project CODE RED 


SEPTEMBER 25, 2022


The inaugural distribution of clothes, computers, food hampers and other items commenced immediately after liturgy and over 50 people attended this history making event. 


The Ukrainian Association of Western Australia would like to thank the Ukrainian Orthodox Community of WA Inc. for the use of the hall. 

Special thanks to Mike Struthers of RRT for the food hampers; Roma and Steve Popadynec who arranged donations of computers, rashies, and a multitude of creams, toiletries and clothes items, Snezhana Stacey, Natalia Sakalo, Wally Perzylo and Roma and Steve Popadynec for clothes items and most importantly to everyone who came and benefitted from this inaugural event. 


It is hoped to continue distributing food and clothes items regularly on a fortnightly basis. 




SEPTEMBER 14, 2022


The very latest emergency equipment for Ukrainian frontline emergency services has been purchased and donated by members of the Ukrainian Association of Western Australia and volunteers.

Equipment which will be shipped and distributed to save lives includes latest portable defibrillators and AED's  as shown in the fotos below. The shipment comprises 18 boxes including, ........

UAWA wishes to thank all the generous donations from the public and volunteers.

Fotos from L to R:  Myk Mowczan and Wally Perzylo, Wally Perzylo with the Corplus1 and Phillips MRX AED's, ZOLL  AED's


AUGUST 27, 2022


Ukrainian Independence Day was well attended with some 350 people packing out the Cracovia Club. Historical firsts included performances by Crimean Tartar dancers and Tania Shillington's Dance Classique Ballet School.

The Ukrainian Association of Western Australia thanks our sponsors Dnister Ukrainian Credit Union, Tania Shillington for the table decorations, our raffle sponsors, including Matusik Jewellers, WA Police Historical Assoc, many quilting clubs, Woolworths and Coles for vouchers, Whiteman Park, Caversham Wildlife Park, Anne Henderson of the Sydney Institute for signed copies of the book "ZELENSKY - The unlikely Ukrainian leader who defied Putin and united the world" and a Ukrainian T-shirt by Lesa Morgan.

Rachel of Seed Sensations donated a very special gift which was given out to attending displaced persons.

Thanks to all of our performers, my co-presenter Serhiy Pogrebnyak, Peter Wityk our music man, and Natalia Sakalo for assisting with the raffle.

Big thanks to Simone Litwin and Tania Shillington who not only performed but assisted in bumping in and making the room look spectacular.

Special thanks to Janenne and Borys Marunczyn, Wally Perzylo, my wife Gabby and the Polish crew who helped us in setting up and final clean up.

Also a big thank you to Galina Romalis and Bohdan Warchomij for allowing us to share your remarkable photo's.

UAWA has staged a massive and unforgettable event on a shoe string budget in view of the continuing war in Ukraine.

Slava Ukrayini!      Glory for all who are fighting for Ukraine's Independence.





Small Midwest town of Coorow in Western Australia flies  Ukrainian flags in support of the war-torn nation thanks to local resident Guy Sims - read the story in link below

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The Southern River Quilters are a group of women who get together to spend time and sewing, This year they have donated their time, fabric and skills making quilts for Ukrainian refugees who found themselves in Western Australia. "May they bring you some comfort whilst you are here, and we pray that peace will return to Ukraine very soon".  

Janice Beresford - Secretary


God Bless the Southern River Quilters for your donation. We will make certain it gets distributed to our Ukrainian refugees - 

M Mowczan
President UAWA


JULY 19, 2022

Dear All

It has been confirmed that the TXA and haemostatic dressings are finally delivered to Ukraine and being distributed directly to front line combat medics by a network of volunteers under the lead and coordination of Igor Chernetskyy.

I know Igor as a talented commander and tireless volunteer since we met in 2014 on the barricades of the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity. Igor has built and coordinates an extensive network of volunteers across Ukraine and works directly with UKR Defence Forces and Volunteer Battalions. His organization continuously provides them not only with medical and non-lethal military supplies, but as well as with trained personnel.

On behalf of everyone in his team and all Ukrainians,  Igor Chernetskyy thanks you all for supplied haemostatics and potentially saving hundreds of wounded.  

Great Gratitude is expressed for the generous donations by Denise Dagley and FA Ready Pty Ltd in WA, who donated BleedSolv haemostatic gauzes, and Aaron Sangalli in WA, who donated Tranexamic Acid.  A Special thanks to all involved in its delivery and tenacious work with complex logistics: Mykola Mowczan, Wally Perzylo and Ukrainian Association of WA, - Terrence Dewar, WA, Oleksandra Voloshyn and Vitaliy Lipinskyy, WA, Dariusz Podgornyy, WA


Ukrainian continues its stoic and unprecedented fight against Russian military invasion. Ukrainians fight this war not just for their very survival as a nation, but for world’s peace and democratic values. Ukraine holds the ground by all human and economic cost but needs ongoing support. We cannot rest and must continue our support to Ukraine tirelessly until its Decisive Victory.

For details and/or additional information please contact Orest via email or directly via mobile 0497772584.

Kind regards, 

Orest Zadvirnyy

Principal Executive Officer

Ukrainian Australian Association of Northern Territory


JULY 24, 2022


The Ukrainian Association of Western Australia, the Ukrainian community and Ukrainian organizations who have been actively supporting Ukraine’s war effort celebrated the delivery of the largest consignment of much needed medical equipment to Ukraine at Wesley College last Sunday, July 24, 2022.


The Orthopaedic equipment and other medical supplies were coordinated from Perth, lead by WA Biome Medical CEO, Terrence Dewar.  The medical supplies are being used in trauma clinics and hospitals across Ukraine. More consignments are being delivered in the coming weeks.


Deep gratitude to people in Western Australia, Denise Dagley (FA Ready Pty Ltd), Pharmacist Aaron Sangalli; Dr Alex Lipinsky; Orest Zadvirny and the Ukrainian Association of NT for funding 1000 tourniquets.  A very special thank you to Wally Perzylo, VP who organised such a prestigious location at Wesley College, Natalia Diachenko for the flower decorations, Marta Osoba Buttrose for setting up and Mike Cox and all the staff of Acclaimed Catering for the magnicient food and service on the day.

Mike Hand and Device Technologies, a well-known Sydney company who supply the highest calibre of medical products and services. has now supplied over 70,000 Trauma products able to treat approx. 750 patients requiring urgent medical care in the trauma space. The Device Technologies donation is the single largest donation by an Australian company.


"All of the equipment delivered will aid in support for the medical teams performing life changing trauma procedures in Ukraine and its Hospitals with Device Technologies providing clinical support from Australia if required" said Mykola Mowczan, president of the UAWA.

Photo's T-B (Terrence Dewar, Wally Perzylo & Alex Balla, Dr Alex & Vitaliy Lipinsky, Sione Litwin & M Mowczan,

Group photo - everyone who attended 

Ukrainian War Medical Effort  Wesley College Photo Bohdan Warchomij 0347.jpg
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JULY 12, 2022

Benefit Concert for Hope and Peace in Ukraine

Diana Teply's concert in Perth, WA, (Benefit Concert for Hope and Peace in Ukraine at the War Memorial Hall, Cottesloe Civic Centre) was specifically to support the Rotary Kyiv/Ukraine CARITAS priority project of repurposed emergency dormitory-style accommodation in Irpin and Bucha.raised $8,200. 

Community groups came together for an evening of uplifting melodies, a selection of Ukrainian and Italian songs adding to the international flair. 

The UKENDOIT ukulele group launched their “INVISIBLE PEOPLE” song with its message of goodwill and support for the Ukrainian people. 

The COTTESLOE CROONERS, THE JOYS OF THE WOMEN Italian folk choir, the VESNA Ukrainian choir and budding young performers, Margo Chyzhma and Benedikt Jankowitsch, enhance the evening.

Special guests Irina Buevska-Cowell and Anastasiya Dudar performed works by Ukrainian composers Anatoliy Kos-Anatolsky and Myroslav Skoryk.


The Busselton Ukelele Strummers Inc ( via Barbara Taylor and their committee has added proceeds from their fundraiser amounting to $720 to the proceeds as they were in agreement to support the same project.  The total amount raised is $8,920.  

DNISTER – UKRAINE CRISIS APPEAL (non-tax-deductible)

Humanitarian Aid in Ukraine 

BSB: 704-235    Acc No: 02801991

20220712 Participants in Concert for Hope and Peace in Ukraine Photo by Mykola Mowczan_red

June 27, 2022 - a letter from COOROW, WA

We are sending this email from the wheatbelt town of Coorow Western Australia.


The town of Coorow is situated approximately 250 km north of Perth, is one of three small towns in the Shire of Coorow, and has a population of approximately 180 people.


The town supports the grain growing area surrounding Coorow.


As a community we have been deeply saddened and distressed by what is happening to the Ukraine, its city’s and also smaller towns like ours.


As a town we want to show our support for the Ukrainian community both in the Ukraine but also here in WA.


I am not aware of anyone in this town with Ukrainian heritage but nonetheless we are all global citizens and we want to extend our moral support realising that there is not a lot we can do in a practical sense.


Today we have sixteen flags flying or on display, we hope to get that to thirty five by Sunday 10/7/22 and ultimately 50 by the end of July.


Attached is a letter of solidarity from the town community which is probably self-explanatory, together with a couple of photos.


Also below a link from our local primary schools Facebook page.


We hope that our towns support is of some comfort to your community’s.


Yours in solidarity;


Guy Sims 0407 360 222

Durwin Melbin 0427 080 171

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JULY 15, 2022


Dear All,     

I am very pleased to inform you that our donated medical items (VAC machine with VAC dressings and External Fixation Devices) have reached their destination and are now being utilised to treat Ukrainian soldiers in the orthopaedic department of one of Kiev’s hospitals. Victor and his colleagues are extremely happy with the quality of the medical equipment and have provided me with excellent feedback on our donated items.


The delay in the transportation was due to logistical issues on the ground in Poland, however our Chinese suppliers proved to be very efficient and reliable throughout the entire process.


I would also like to acknowledge the significant contribution made by CYM Perth and Orest Zadvirnyy with his community in Darwin in funding another 1000 tourniquets that have been delivered to the battlefield.


We also encountered some issues with custom clearance of Haemostatic Dressings and Tranexamic Acid, however this has now been resolved, picked up by the courier and is awaiting delivery to Ukraine. I will ensure to inform you upon the delivery of these items.


Please see the attached photos and videos in this email and the subsequent one, as the content and size is too large.


Please continue to support Ukraine, as even small contributions will help bring Victory and reduce the suffering of our brave Ukrainians.


Thank you.


Kind regards,   

Lesya (Alex).

Thanks to the Ukrainian Community of Perth and Darwin and our medical team in Eastern States we now have confirmation that all medical products have now been received and are being used,  as can be seen on fotos above & below. 

                                Team WA & NT - A  job well done  - MM



 June 17 & 18, 2022


Albany, Western Australia

Hi everyone


Now that the dust has settled, I've reconciled the finances.

We haven't received and donated all of the amounts of course, but I'm very pleased to announce that when we do, we will have raised a total of $11,954 for the cause. This includes ticket sales, the silent auction and donations, many anonymous.

Please see attached a few photos we have. I hope in time to share recordings but this of course takes a while and depends on whether they work out. We appreciate your patience with that.

I will send a survey too but any feedback, good bad or neutral, is welcome at any time. We have our own lessons learned but your perspective is valuable too. 

But you all generously gave your various amazing gifts. And together we created something greater than we could have on our own. 

So again, on behalf of Albany Uniting Church, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Mykola has also asked me to convey his deep appreciation and congratulations to you all.

We hope to have you all back soon for more Music at Wesley!


Best wishes   


Many thanks to Sebastion Harris for the organisation ofthe "Ünited for Ukraine Concert". Thank you to all the musicians for your unreserved donatition of your time and efforts: you were all amazing. It was a pleasure working with you and teaching everyone who attended these two wonderful shows on Friday evening and Saturday afternoon the Ukrainian National anthem. Also thanks to our Albany Ukrainians who participated.     

Mykola Mowczan

President UAWA


June 19,2022


Our massive and amazing event involved over 500 dancers from 28 Perth and regional dance schools.   


The performance was very successful on many levels.  Primarily a fund raiser, it bought dance schools (students and teachers) together as a caring community and working together for a common goal.  For those non-competition kids, it was also a brilliant opportunity for students to have another performance opportunity, other than their annual concert.  The added bonus was being able to dance at the wonderful Perth Concert Hall, under the giant Ukraine flag. 


The event raised over $30,000 to go the victims of the war on Ukraine, channelled through UNICEF ($15,000 already sent) and I take this opportunity to thank you for your generous donation and support. 


Thank you all, so very much! 


Wrap up – a few things to finish off with…. 


The online auction made about $3,5000.  Many thanks to Robyn Cooper for setting this up and to all those who donated.

Helene Gower / Deputy Chair WACBTA

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"The State of Ukraine"  a talk by new shed member Mykola Mowczan,

President of the Ukrainian Association of Western Australia.

A large turn out of Members turned up at the Shed on Wednsday, June 15 for the talk prior to the monthly meeting. The talk was given by member Mykola Mowczan, President of the Ukrainian Association of Western Australia. The title of the talk was “What does Putin want from Ukraine.”

Myk gave a potted history of how Ukraine emerged from the Soviet empire leading to how Ukraine is positioned today. The factual account of what is happening today was harrowing and Myk had to hold himself together as he spoke of what is happening to his people. (He was born in Australia and travels on an Oz passport.) He has some 60 friends and family in the war zone.
When asked about what Putin wants he immediately responded with “the destruction of Ukraine in his attempt to return Russia to the days of the Tzars.” Should Putin be assassinated? No, he has 3 generals who would take over and wreak revenge on the world, something the West is very aware of.
Impossible to relay the story Myk gave in this format - contact him if you want to know more.

Western Australian Government donates $500,000 to help the people of Ukraine


The Western Australian Government has donated $500,000 to help the people of Ukraine as they deal with the humanitarian crisis caused by the Russian invasion.


The donation to the Ukraine Crisis Appeal, partnered with Rotary Australia World Community Services and Caritas Ukraine, was delivered through the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries, and will be used to provide emergency relief and humanitarian aid to those affected by the war.


The donation follows the same amount donated in March 2022 by the Queensland Government to the Ukraine Crisis Appeal, which has now raised over 4 million dollars to assist those affected by the brutal, illegal and devastating war being waged by Russia. 


The West Australian Ukrainian Association liaised with the Premier’s office to discuss the donation, and received input from the Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organisations (AFUO) Director of Humanitarian Aid Initiatives, Ms Darka Senko. 


“We are incredibly excited and grateful that the McGowan Government has donated such a substantial amount of money to the Ukrainian community’s humanitarian aid effort, Ukraine Crisis Appeal,” said Mr Mykola Mowczan, President of the Ukrainian Association of Western Australia in Perth. 


“Our community in Perth has been doing all it can to support Ukraine at this time, including fundraising for the humanitarian relief effort, holding a candle vigil attended by government and consular representatives, and organising rallies in support of Ukraine,” said Mr Mowczan. 


To date, the Ukraine Crisis Appeal, the largest Australian tax-deductible fundraising effort for Ukraine, has assisted over 999,114 people, with more than:


  • 524,954 people receiving food supplies (*52.7% of all beneficiaries received)

  • 30,559 people receiving medicines from the Caritas network.

  • 70,581 people receiving bed linen

  • 16,928 people receiving accommodation

  • 21,009 people receiving bottled water

  • 14,784 people receiving legal protection and other services 

  • issued 208,178 hygiene kits 

  • provided shelter for up to 1,400 people a day in emergency shelters

  • distributed 280 tons of cargo to war-affected areas


The Ukraine Crisis Appeal has also shipped $1.1 million dollars of urgent medical supplies to Ukraine. 

WA Government Media Statement


More information: 


Mr Mykola Mowczan: 0412 228 056                 Ms Darka Senko: 0417 237 938

Department of Primary Industries

and Regional Development (Fisheries)

The Ukrainian Association would like to thank the Staff of the Department of PIRD (Fisheries) based at Hillarys who have been busy holding multiple fundraising events over the last two months, to raise money for Ukraine.

The more than 160 staff, made up of scientists, technical and fisheries officers and admin support are responsible for monitoring and assessing WA’s aquatic resources, and providing advice to the state government to ensure we have fish for the future.

The fundraising events began in late April with a morning tea with tasty treats baked by our staff, followed by a relay fun-run where teams were sponsored-per-lap to race up a nearby (very steep) hill. The following week, we held an ever-popular sundowner and raffle with items donated by staff. The final event was a silent auction which included hand-made items and artwork by our talented staff. The outcome of everyone’s collective efforts resulted in us raising an impressive $1730, which has now been donated to the Ukrainian Association of Western Australia.

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May 6, 2022

Perth Rotary Club


May 2022



A positive story has arisen out of the devastating and horrifying effects and outcomes of the Russian/Ukrainian War.  A small team in Western Australia and Northern Territory, together with two suppliers has achieved a West Australian first for Ukraine.

The acquisition and delivery of much needed medical supplies to Hospitals and Trauma teams has been a priority ever since February 24th 2022, when the Russian Military invaded Ukraine under the pretence described as a "Special Operation," Leading to the ongoing injury, death and displacement of millions of Ukrainian people. 

The Ukrainian Association of WA, Orest Zadvirnyy from the Ukrainian Australian Association of NT,

Doctor Olexandra Voloshyn,  geriatrician from Rockingham hospital, WA and specialised medical personnel, medical suppliers and logistic experts have collaborated in a combined effort to identify and deliver life saving medical products urgently needed for the region by initiating a "Special Operation" of their own.


The products have now been received by the medical teams in Ukraine. They are  essential to help save lives. Company director Denise Dagley and Mandurah Pharmacist Aaron Sangalli pledged their support to the team by supplying sizable quantities of the much-needed First aid supplies.

 "We are very greatful and thankful to Denise and Aaron for their support and generosity for these critically needed products and hope to send much more" said Mykola Mowczan president of the Ukrainian Association of WA.

Anyone who would like to assist the team or would like to donate much needed funds to the organisation, can contact them directly at

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